
Biting tongue: causes, preventions, and treatments

May 15th,2023
Biting tongue: causes, preventions, and treatment

Biting your tongue is one of the annoying, painful mishaps we often face. It usually happens accidentally and can lead to immense pain and bleeding. They are usually common and frequently minor in children. But they are more severe in adults. When you are biting your tongue, it can be difficult and painful to function … Continue reading “Biting tongue: causes, preventions, and treatments”

What causes some people to have dark gums?

February 14th,2023
What causes some people to have dark gums?

A smile can bring out the aesthetic perfection of a person. While flashing a perfect smile can be an effortless everyday action for some, for many it still stays to be a far-fetched reality. Especially for people with gum disorders, this rather comes as a confidence destroyer. Several intraoral and extraoral elements affect facial appearance. … Continue reading “What causes some people to have dark gums?”

Will cavities form below the gum line?

January 11th,2023
Will cavities form below the gum line?

Cavities can occur anywhere on a tooth. Gum line cavity refers to the dental cavity formed on the gingival sulcus (i.e.) the point where a tooth and gums meet. Depending on the place a tooth developed cavity, it is classified into 3 types as – Smooth surface cavity, Biting surface cavity, and Root Cavities. Surprisingly, … Continue reading “Will cavities form below the gum line?”

What makes some people overuse teeth whitening products?

December 29th,2022
What makes some people overuse teeth whitening products?

Everyone strives to maintain white teeth to have a dazzling smile. An excellent oral hygiene regime paired with regular in-office checkups helps your teeth remain white and clean. However, some people go miles with their tooth brushing, forgetting the popular saying “Too much of a good thing is bad”, and end up killing their teeth. … Continue reading “What makes some people overuse teeth whitening products?”

Can you get Psoriasis in your mouth?

December 22nd,2022
Can you get Psoriasis in your mouth?

Psoriasis – The non-contagious, autoimmune condition causes systemic inflammation and provokes itchy patches on the skin. You might see some people have dry, thick, scaly red patches on their scalps, knees, and elbows. It is rather common to get such skin flare-ups due to psoriasis. Conversely, such patches appear inside the mouth on rare occasions. … Continue reading “Can you get Psoriasis in your mouth?”

Why do you suffer from an uncomfortable canker sore on your mouth throughout the winter?

December 14th,2022
Why do canker sores occur frequently in winter?

The winter season delivers shorter days and longer nights, chilly air with low humidity, and other lovely and exciting things. Conversely, the winter brings some illnesses, including the common cold, flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, skin problems, etc. During these months, our immune systems are weakened, making us more vulnerable to oral infections like canker sores and … Continue reading “Why do you suffer from an uncomfortable canker sore on your mouth throughout the winter?”

Why do you get toothaches when you fly?

December 8th,2022
Why do you get toothaches when you fly?

You would have encountered toothaches when traveling by air if you had done so. Sounds relatable, right? It is essential to know why we get sudden toothache on an airplane. Most people experience cabin pressure changes during takeoff and landing, and some might experience toothaches. It is common to experience cabin pressure changes while traveling … Continue reading “Why do you get toothaches when you fly?”

Is Pericoronitis a dangerous dental problem?

November 29th,2022
Is Pericoronitis a dangerous dental problem?

Pericoronitis refers to the condition of inflammation or swelling in gum tissues around a wisdom tooth. It is also known as Operculitis. Wisdom teeth, widely known as third molars, are the last set of permanent teeth erupt in the mouth. The jaw bones do not accommodate sufficient room for such lately erupted teeth. So most … Continue reading “Is Pericoronitis a dangerous dental problem?”

9 tooth-friendly winter drinks to keep you hydrated & warm

October 25th,2022
9 tooth-friendly winter drinks to keep you hydrated & warm

Winter is not just about cold air, foggy mornings but also a host of warm drinks. Since the temperature drops during cold seasons, it pushes everyone to give a warm hug inside their bodies with hot drinks. Taking a sip of beverages like tea, coffee, hot chocolate, and hot alcoholic beverages (Ex: Mulled wine, Hot … Continue reading “9 tooth-friendly winter drinks to keep you hydrated & warm”

Will the flu or cold virus hurt your dental health?

September 15th,2022
Will the flu or cold virus hurt your dental health?

It is not a new thing to encounter a stuffy nose, throat pain, or bouts of coughing during cold and flu season. However, the common cold and flu hurt our dental health as well. You would encounter an aching sensation in your teeth, bad breath, and scratchy throat whenever you get cold or flu. Right? … Continue reading “Will the flu or cold virus hurt your dental health?”

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